Google AdWords, or pay-per-click advertising, is another successful tool in your auto repair shop advertising arsenal. Through 15 years of experience, Business Actualization marketing experts, can fine tune your marketing plan quickly and easily to bring in new business and repeat customers.
Drive Traffic to your Auto Repair Business
Google AdWords is an example of how to set up your auto repair shop ads to rank higher than organic search engine optimization results on a SERP (Search Engine Result Page). You will pay a fee for higher ad placement or a less relevant ad and landing page (page on your website the visitor lands on). The AdWords advertisement for your auto repair shop website can also appear throughout the Internet on partner websites as a user browses the web. This high placement on search engines and high repetition of advertisements will drive the specific customers to your shop.
Target Your Markets

Google AdWords pay-per-click advertising campaigns can target a very specific market of customers by segmentation or Ad Groups. AdWords campaigns reach each market segment and delivers them to an intentional design of landing pages specific to the target market and campaign. The Ads should be analyzed regularly to judge effectiveness of the ad and respond accordingly.
As an example, ads targeting BMW Services, BMW air condition service, BMW service intervals, or BMW check engine lights bring in searchers to your specific landing pages. Mercedes-Benz Services requires a separate but similar campaign.
Remarkable Remarketing
Google AdWords is just one service needed for an effective marketing campaign for your auto repair shop. Just because a potential customer search reaches your advertisement through Google AdWords marketing, he or she may not call you right away. Your landing pages must offer another avenue to engage a potential customer -- newsletters, coupons and customer loyalty programs make a potential customer remember your auto repair shop. Make follow up easy and convert leads into customers with the use of Google AdWords Remarketing tags and Facebook Custom Audience tags.
Building Loyalty is Key
The use of a Google AdWords PPC campaign is another tool in the arsenal of successful auto repair shop marketing. Landing pages are an excellent point to begin an optimization plan. Disorganized marketing is discarded advertising. When target markets are properly segmented into Ad Groups and Campaigns so the ads appear for the right customers, conversions happen and customers are made. Interested customers sign up for newsletters and print coupons. Repeat customers become Customer Loyalty Club members.
All business traffic, including Google AdWords, must be analyzed on a regular basis to determine advertising effectiveness and make informed changes to retain customers and reach new customers. Successful auto repair shop marketing campaigns require review by an experienced automotive marketing specialist to run at peak performance.
Our marketing service experts will analyze a Google AdWords account to manage and optimize your campaign. Contact us for a free marketing review and tune up of your current AdWords performance.